Rainwater Harvesting: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Rainwater Harvesting: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Apr 14 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Barnabas Kane, Senior Landscape Architect at Consilium Design will discuss the basics of planning and installing either passive or an active rainwater harvesting system.  Tips will be provided on native and low water use landscaping, rainwater use for gardens, keeping the system well maintained and winterizing it. Each attendee will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card! For more information, contact the Ask a Librarian Desk at 928.777.1526. Presented with funding from the Friends of the Prescott Public Library. 


Prescott Public Library: 215 E Goodwin St,Prescott,AZ,86303

Contact Phone: 
(928) 777-1526