WRRC Conference 2018 - The Business of Water

WRRC Conference 2018 - The Business of Water

Mar 28 2018 - 8:15am to 5:15pm

Water is everyone’s business and the business of water affects everyone. On Tuesday, March 28, 2018, The Business of Water will be front and center at the University of Arizona (UA) Water Resources Research Center’s Annual Conference, which will be held at the University of Arizona Student Union in Tucson, Arizona.  We will explore the many facets of our topic, focusing on key questions. How will water exchanges, transfers, and market-based transactions figure into our water future?  What is the role of the private sector, including public-private partnerships?  What factors and forces influence what we pay for water?  Please plan to join us on March 28 as we consider these complex and dynamic issues vital to the reliability, safety, and cost of our future water supplies.


U of A Student Union: 1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719