Desert Rivers Audubon Field Trip: Page Springs

Desert Rivers Audubon Field Trip: Page Springs

Apr 15 2018 - 8:30am

We will bird on walks around the fish hatchery, the adjoining Important Bird Area (IBA), and the nearby ponds and water retention basins.  Most impressive bird sightings should include nesting Common Black Hawks, Bald Eagle, and Cedar Waxwing, but also Belted Kingfisher, Bell’s Vireo, and Lesser Goldfinch. Meet at 7:30 A.M. in the parking area of the Page Springs Fish Hatchery near Cornville, Arizona.  Let Richard know if your are coming. Bring a lunch.  Limit: 15.   Level: 1.


Page Springs and Sedona Wetlands

Contact Phone: 
(602) 276-3312