Gardening for the Birds
Gardening for the Birds
Mar 3 2018 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Many people tempt birds into their backyards by putting out store-bought seeds or other products. But it’s healthier for the birds — and a lot more fun — to provide food the natural way by enhancing our landscapes with plant materials that provide food, shelter and cover for our feathered neighbors. Habitat loss is a primary threat to bird populations, and sanctuaries for them do not have to be very large; we can begin with our own backyards, restoring habitat one yard at a time. Explore the “rules of attraction” with naturalist/writer/gardener Lynn Hassler who has seen over 130 species of birds in her Tucson backyard.
- Tohono Chul – Education Center #1: 7211 N. Northern Ave. Tucson,AZ85704United States
Contact Phone:
(520) 742-6455