Maximize Your Irrigation System

Maximize Your Irrigation System

Apr 5 2018 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm

Before you abandon your old irrigation system and install a brand new one, attend this class. We all know that having a well-designed irrigation system is important in order to use water wisely as well as to keep the landscape healthy. And in most cases, we end up with whatever was installed. Often that means we have irrigation systems that perform poorly, and we have to overwater to ensure the plants and grass look healthy. In this class we will teach you how to identify the problems in your current system and what to do about them. You may be surprised, ripping out the old system and starting over from scratch is rarely needed. Note: To register: Please call (480) 503-6098 and select option 5 or visit


Assembly Room at the Southeast Regional Library: 775 N. Greenfield RD, Gilbert

Contact Phone: 
(480) 503-6098