River Run Network Restoration Workshop: Tanque Verde Plant Survey - May 19th

River Run Network Restoration Workshop: Tanque Verde Plant Survey - May 19th

May 19 2023 - 7:30am
As part of our Arundo removal efforts, we want to better understand how these areas will change over time. To do this, we will be collecting plant data from many areas along the creek using a survey technique called the relevé method. If you know our desert riparian plants, we want your help with collecting this data along the Tanque Verde Creek. You'll be accompanied by WMG's Restoration Ecologist Project Manager Becky Fitzpatrick to help you learn and use this method in the field. If you are availble, please sign up for multiple survey dates to support this effort.
This is a great opportunity to use plant identification skills and you'll be helping to collect data that we will use for many years to track the changes and health of the Tanque Verde Creek.
For this workshop, you'll be walking through sandy soils and parts of the creek and bushwacking through areas of the riparian vegetaiton for 1-2 miles carrying light equitment throughout the Tanque Verde Creek.

Tanque Verde Creek/Wentworth Rd