Tucson Co-op Workshop: Bring on the Butterflies!

Tucson Co-op Workshop: Bring on the Butterflies!

Jan 20 2018 - 8:00am to 1:00pm

This east side homeowner has put love and work into her yard for many years, but is finally ready to make the big plunge into water harvesting and she's doing the works! The first workshop is focused on installing one large 2,500 gallon tank in the backyard as well as a little butterfly garden basin to accept the overflow during big storms. The new plantings will help shade the yard, hot tub, and veggie garden as well as beautify what has been a sad bermuda patch for too long! Help us start this water harvesting transformation off on the right foot and come ready to dig and plant and plumb! Sonoran Landscape Specialist Emma Stahl-Wert leads this work party. Can't wait to see you there!


Near Wilmot Rd and Golf Links Rd