My town is in the High Elevation Climate Zone. This zone consists of cool plateau highlands from 4,000 - 6,000 feet and cold mountains from 6,000 - 8,000 feet. This zone is semi-arid to arid, but the highest elevations may receive up to 30 inches of precipitation annually.Climate Zone
Seasonal Tips
Fall in the high elevation climate zone is cool, with temperatures dropping by October when the first frosts may occur.
Winter in the high elevation climate zone is cold to extremely cold, with snow, frozen soils and drying winds. The last killing frost can be as late as mid-June.
Spring in the high elevation climate zone is cool, with frosts normal through April, and sometimes occurring as late as mid-June.
Summer in the high elevation climate zone is mild, however, there can be killing frosts as late as mid-June.
The Community Water Systems (CWS) Interactive Map provides a detailed look at all of the Community Water Systems and the areas they serve. You have the option to search for a water system by using the search feature and entering the CWS Number (91-), ADEQ Number (AZ...), or the water system name. Another option is to select the service area on the map, where a pop-up will open providing you with the details of that water system. Some of the information provided in the pop-up includes: owner name, address, phone number, CWS number, ADEQ number and population of the service area. If you select your Community Water System and find the information to be incorrect, please contact ADWR so we can update your records. Community Water System Map
- Gila County Cooperative Extension Office - The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension offices translate research-based information to help people solve real, everyday problems and improve the quality of life. Several programs address water use, landscaping and gardening.
- Map of Arizona's Groundwater Basins - See page 14 for a color map of Arizona's counties and 51 groundwater basins.
- Arizona Drought Reports - See monthly and quarterly updates about Arizona's drought status.
- Future Water Demand and Supplies - Learn about your groundwater basin's current and potential future water supplies.
- Aquifer Groundwater Levels - Use the Groundwater Inventory (GWSI) to find the water levels of wells within Arizona's groundwater basins.
- Surf Your Watershed - Find your watershed and organizations that are working to protect water quality.