Water Saved - Energy Saved
It takes water to make energy; it takes energy to move water. It can take up to 4 times the water you use daily to produce your home's energy. So turn off your lights and save water!
- Reduce showering time to save both water and energy. A 10 minute shower uses approximately 50 gallons of hot water. Shoot for a 5 minute shower.
- Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they have a full load or adjust water levels for smaller loads.
- Insulate hot water pipes so water does not have to run as long to get hot water to the faucet. Heating water uses a large amount of energy.
- When using the washing machine, use the high-speed spin cycle to extract as much water as possible from your clothes so they won’t need as much time in the dryer.
- Water and energy are interconnected: It takes energy to transport and treat water, so by conserving water you are also conserving energy! Water is used to generate electricity, so by conserving energy you are also conserving water!
Riparian Areas
Supply and Demand
Water-Energy Nexus
- ENERGY STAR - Save Water to Save Energy
- National Conference of State Legislatures: Overview of the Water-Energy Nexus in the United States
- World Policy Institute Blog and Policy Paper on the Water-Energy Nexus
- US Department of Energy, Energy Savers
- US Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Star
- Navajo Generating Station
- The Water-Energy Nexus in Arizona