Water efficiency is becoming increasingly important to community water systems within Arizona from a resource management and economic perspective. Not only do these water systems serve residents year-around providing water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning but they also serve various businesses and other water users within its boundaries.
For Arizona’s community water systems to achieve and maintain long-term sustainability and compliance within water regulations, the Department provides a few online tools such as online water plans and water-use reporting. But recently, the Department decided to make a few updates to the Community Water Systems's webpages and tools to create a more user-friendly experience.
When navigating these new webpages, the same features are still offered in addition to three new tools that are intended to assist water providers and the general public. These tools are:
- Water Estimation Tool: Assists with Annual Reporting for Water Providers
- Population Estimation Tool Estimating: Assists with System Water Plans for Water Providers
- Interactive Service Map: Assists with Property Purchasing and Information on Providers within the Area for the General Public and Water Providers
The Interactive Service Map, not only supplies the public with info on water providers in the area, but it also allows these providers to instantly view their service area, contact info the Department has on file, and access to Annual Water Use reports right from the map!
Overall, providers and consumers play an important role in helping community water systems meet regulatory requirements and maintain long-term sustainability. The Arizona Department of Water Resources will continue to supply the needed tools to keep communities strong, safe, and sustainable.