Rainwater: Free, Fresh, Filling
From the mountains to the desert valleys, rainwater can be collected and directed to your landscape plants.
- Collect water from your roof by installing gutters and downspouts, and keep them free of debris.
- Evaluate your landscape to see what needs to be done to direct rainwater to planting areas.
- Start the flow of water at the high point of your yard's watershed so that gravity will move the water to your plants.
- Encourage rainwater to spread and soak into your landscape instead of allowing it to quickly run off.
- Find out if you can get a rebate for installing a rainwater harvesting system.
Rainwater and Graywater
- Harvesting Rainwater for Landscape Use - U of A Cooperative Extension
- Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond
- Water Harvesting Certification - Watershed Management Group
- Using Rainwater in Urban Landscapes: Quick Guide for Maricopa County
- Rainwater Harvesting Information from the City of Tucson
- Rainwater Harvesting Demonstration Sites in Arizona