Water Awareness Month is not only dedicated to promoting Arizona’s success in managing its water resources, it also is intended to encourage Arizonans to be conscious of every precious drop. After all, water is life to us all.
Learn how Water Awareness Month came to be
Learn how to be water-wise while living in the desert
Partners who continue to promote water awareness
Outreach Materials
Every day is a good day to be “water-aware.” Help promote water awareness online or within your community using these ready-made materials.

Outreach Video
Learn how to conserve water inside and around the home with these Water Awareness Month tip videos
Many Arizona cities and water providers offer rebates to help you conserve water indoors and outdoors. Rebates can be for high-efficiency fixtures and appliances as well as for converting grass to xeriscape.
My Town's Water
Arizona's large area and range of elevation contribute to the diversity of climate and geography in the state. Understanding how local climate and geography influence your water resources and practices will help you use water more efficiently and create a more sustainable future for water in our state.

Fun Activities For Kids
Kids play an important role in making sure that every drop of water counts. Explore fun ways that you can help save water at home.