From Snowflake to Tap
Where does your water come from? Your water may come from snowmelt from mountains, groundwater from wells, or water in reservoirs---you don't often see the source. Find out more.
- Check with your water company to find out where your water comes from. Where does the water you use start its journey?
- Support the use of reclaimed water (treated wastewater) for landscape irrigation (like golf courses) and to recharge your aquifer.
- Get messages to your phone or email about current conditions of rivers and streams. Use the resource: USGS WaterNow.
Riparian Areas
Supply and Demand
- Surf Your Watershed
- Arizona Eastern Plateau
- Protecting Our Water - Sierra Vista's Water Resources Center
- Are Your Well Records Accurate?
- Central Arizona Project
- Salt River Project Daily Water Report
- US Geological Survey Arizona Water Science Center
- From Snowflake to Tap
- Arizona Central Highlands
- Arizona Western Plateau
- Arizona Upper Colorado River Area
- Arizona Lower Colorado River Area
- Southeastern Arizona
- Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study
- Colorado River Current Conditions
- Gila Watershed Partnership
- U.S. EPA Adopt Your Watershed Program